Technical Assistance

Sport Matters can assist with policy development, staff training, development of bespoke resources and curriculum

Sport Matters offers bespoke technical assistance in sport for development by recognised experts in the sector. Our technical assistance can take the form of program design, partnership and stakeholder engagement, budgeting, curriculum and policy development, reporting, research and evaluation.

lao friendship circle​Our assistance can range from remote advice, recommendations and desk reviews through to complete project management that captures management, administration, policy development, capacity development, in-country implementation and reporting. Sport Matters has worked with partner organisations large and small to support the growth and development of staff and project beneficiaries in Australia, the Pacific, Asia and Africa.

Sport Matters tailors sport for development workshops to meet the learning needs of target communities and beneficiaries including core topic areas such as the contribution of sport to the Sustainable Development Goals, youth empowerment, disability inclusive development, gender equality, advocacy and human rights.

group in discussion around table

Sport Matters has provided technical assistance to a range of partner organisations including:

Australian Sports Commission – Australian Sports Outreach Program – Honiara, Solomon Islands
Badminton Australia – Project management for Shuttle Time Nepal and Shuttle Time Bangladesh sport for development programs – Nepal & Bangladesh
ChildFund Australia – Sport for Development Program design and consultation – Nonghet, Laos
ChildFund Australia – Technical review and recommendations for improved disability inclusion practices in the new ChildFund Pass It Back Project Proposal
Fiji Paralympic Committee – Stakeholder engagement workshops – Suva, Lautoka, Savusavu and Labasa, Fiji
RESPO International – Disability inclusive development capacity building workshops – Mitchells Plain, Khayelitsha and Limpopo
Squash Australia – Project management for The Squash Classroom sport for development program – Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi in Pakistan
Sydney South East Asia Centre at The University of Sydney – workshop delivery and inclusive sport program for over 20 leaders from Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) across Indonesia through The Australia Award Fellowship Program funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Sydney, Australia
The University of the South Pacific – project management for regional research, international conference, curriculum design and regional scholarships – Fiji and Samoa