Contact Sport Matters
Sport Matters uses the power of sport to change the world.
Level 32/1 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 388 859 (free call in Australia)
Fax: +61 2 8076 8605
Media Adviser – Jill Scanlon:
Twitter: @sportmattersAU
ABN: 29 153 389 676
About Us
Sport Matters uses the power of sport to change the world. We work in Australia and many developing nations around the world and we believe that everyone should have the choice and opportunity to participate in sport, for life!
Our Board
Sport Matters is governed by a Board of Directors. Our Board brings a wealth of experience in the corporate, public service and not for profit sectors in Sport, Governance, International Development, Gender, Disability Inclusive Development and Advocacy.
Our Team
Sport Matters has a network of volunteers and consultants that bring a strong passion for the role of sport to create lasting social change and a diverse range of professional backgrounds and qualifications.
Our Policies
Sport Matters aims to make a positive and long-lasting impact on development in Australia and developing countries with a focus on the Pacific, Asia and Africa.
Sport Matters have been seen in many Australian and international publications. For more on Sport Matters and to view some of our most recent news articles:
Sport Matters Annual Report 2022-2023
To view our current publications, including our annual report - which captures a true and accurate record of our activities and full financial statements: